Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Purpose Of Advertising

                 The Purpose of Advertising
From the advertiser’s point of view, he’s paying good money to have his product or service seen / exposed to as many people as possible in a position to use the product.
From the consumer’s viewpoint, it introduces a new product or service to investigate.
The purpose of the ad is to persuade you that this product is worth your time investigating. It will not have you leaping out of bed, dressing quickly and then running to the nearest store to buy it.
If it is a memorable ad, you will remember something about the product when you are walking down the isle in a store that carries these items, and, as you see the competing brands on the shelf, you recognize it, and decide to take a look at the packaging and read what it says. The information and design of the packaging already contributes to your impression of the product. The rest is up to the product.
The worst thing a bad product can have is good advertising, because a lot of people will find out how bad it is. 

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